Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Influence of Commonly used Manures on the Growth and Nutrient Composition of Periphyton

Pond fertilization is a common practice in aquaculture aimed at increasing the production of natural food for farmed fishes. Inorganic fertilizers are expensive and their use bysmallholder farmers may be limited. Animal wastes are widely used in many countries to sustain pond productivity at a low cost.

Organic fertilizers decompose and release nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium which are used by phytoplankton for growth and reproduction. In addition, they provide attachment sites for bacteria and other microscopic organisms. Plankton perform other important functions in pond aquaculture - a net producer of dissolved oxygen, which is indispensable for fish growth and the most important sink of ammonia-nitrogen, which is excreted by fish. Jhingran observed that natural food also supplies certain digestive enzymes that improve the utilization of artificial diets. The FAO/AADCP Regional Expert Consultation has emphasized the need for a greater understanding of the role of natural food organisms in semi-intensive farming based on systems that optimize pond fertilization. Read more>>>>>>>

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